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domestic violence

Victim to victory to visionary

  Join me + my friend Tracey Lee Cook as Tracey shares her powerful story + valuable insight. Tracey overcame growing up in domestic violence, sexual abuse + nearly losing her baby at 8 months pregnant due to domestic violence. From a hospital bed at age 38 she read her first ever book by Tony Robbins + in that moment decided to change her life. Learn how to wear your story like a superhero cape instead of an anchor! I…

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Let’s talk about shame

    I was listening to a podcast about domestic abuse yesterday.    The woman being interviewed works in the field with survivors + training professionals.   She was sharing her experience of her own abusive relationship + the shame she felt being in one while also working in the field, as well as how it changed her work.   It brought up so many parallels for me that I wanted to share.    I never share this stuff from…

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See what you made me do

  As the world goes through the coronavirus crisis, we are also experiencing another crisis in our homes – family violence.   SBS have their month of May focusing on the family violence crisis in Australia, with a three part documentary series “See What You Made Me Do” based on Jess Hill’s book of the same title.   The series explores one of the most complex and urgent issues of our time – domestic abuse. Presented by investigative journalist Jess…

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How to survive the end of a toxic relationship

After I posted my blog “5 signs you’re dating a toxic person” a friend reached out as she was getting ready to leave her relationship. PLEASE NOTE I’m not talking about abusive relationships here.  While all abusive relationships are toxic, not all toxic relationships are abusive. Toxic relationships are full of constant drama, manipulation, negativity and an endless push-pull cycle. Abusive relationships are all of the above but are much more dangerous and leaving them is a risk factor –…

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