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How would you describe your relationship with money?

I posted the above question on my socials recently and got responses like “fickle”, “abominable” and “complicated.” Not one person gave me a positive word!   Money is just an energy – it’s not good or bad, it is whatever we perceive it to be.   Imagine if the money in your life was an actual person that you were in a relationship with.   How do you treat your Mr or Mrs Money?   Do you constantly wait for…

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What challenge can you set for yourself this year?

    2020 is done.   Many are glad to see the back of last year.   Is your 2021 off to a strong start?   Last year, I set myself a challenge to use my brain in a way I never had before (not willingly, anyway), and have started 2021 really enjoying my brain training.   I’ve always been naturally good with people, but when it comes to things like maths, numbers etc my brain farts it’s way through…

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