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Coach Carly

Fit To Fat + Back

This week I watched an awesome documentary called Fit To Fat and Back on YouTube. In 2009, former international model and personal trainer – Paul “PJ” James – set out on a life-changing journey of discovery. After running out of ideas trying to motivate one of his obese clients and not being able to understand their struggles, his client said to him “you should try being in my shoes and see how it feels.” PJ decided they were right, and decided…

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Don’t give up on your dreams (and why Sly Stallone is the BOSS at this)

This week I’ve been listening to Tony Robbins’ Unleash The Power Within on YouTube and Tony shared a story about his friend Sly Stallone. I admit I’m not the biggest Stallone fan and in fact would reluctantly watch movies that he starred in as I found him annoying to watch despite the fact that he’s done some great movies. But this story really changed my mind about him. If the video doesn’t show above, click here to watch it on…

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After 12 years it’s time to change direction

We all get to a stage in our lives, often several stages over the course of our lives, where we need a change of direction. After teaching Reiki since 2006, I’ve decided I need to change the way I do things. I’ve been running one to two group Reiki workshops for the last few years and I’ve loved every minute of it, and still do. But after this year of group workshop dates wrap up, I’ll no longer be setting…

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5 quick and easy things to do to snap yourself out of a funk

It doesn’t matter who you are or how positive and optimistic you are, we all have those times when we get in a bit of a funk. Here are some of my go-to strategies when I’m feeling a bit off that you might like to try out next time you need to snap yourself out of a hole.   EFT Emotional freedom technique, also known as tapping, is an amazing tool for getting yourself out of a sh*tty headspace. You…

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The power of vulnerability

Recently I seem to be having a lot of conversations with strong, warrior women in my life who are going through really difficult times and in huge conflict about showing their vulnerability. Do you consider yourself to be a fearless warrior? Yeah, me too. The problem with that is that we are often reluctant to admit we need help, and even more reluctant to ask for it. Back in 2010, I was in a really bad place in my life.…

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Don’t invalidate your feelings

So often when I’m speaking with a coaching client, they’ll be telling me about their feelings and then invalidating how they feel in the same sentence by saying; “Well I mean I shouldn’t moan really, it’s not like I’m starving in Africa or anything.” True. But why compare how you’re feeling with others? Do you think that because you’re not starving, you’re feelings don’t count? Your feelings don’t matter? It’s important not to suppress your emotions by invalidating them. Everyone…

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