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Don’t take criticism from someone you wouldn’t go to for advice

  Life is full of Negative Nancy’s isn’t it?   Peeps who are always willing to dish out their “expert” opinion on how you should live your life.   Reflect on who you’re surrounded by in life at the moment; are they helping or hindering you?   Do they support you in your goals or do they cock-block you?   Over the years I’ve diligently decluttered the critical shitheads from my life and now I’m in a space where nobody…

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Sometimes we don’t need advice. Sometimes we just need to know we’re not the only one.

  Have you ever gone through a challenging time in life and felt completely alone?   Like you were the only one in the world going through something like this?   Like nobody would understand?   You don’t talk to anyone about what you’re going through as you’re worried they’ll judge you.   When we’re going through crisis and chaos in our lives, we can feel isolated and alone.   But when we come out the other side and share…

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