Where did it all go wrong?

Last week, 3 generations of women were murdered – Mara Quinn, her mother, twin 2 year old girls and her 3 year old daughter. 

The girls were left inside the home for a week undiscovered. The father of the girls, Mara’s husband, is now with Police.

How can that be?

In the last 4 months, 15 people have died in 3 seperate family homicides in Western Australia.

September 2018: 5 dead

July 2018: 3 dead

May 2018: 7 dead

Where did it all go so horribly wrong?

Scanning through comments on Facebook  relating to murders like this I see comments referring to failures in Family Court, drug abuse, anger issues, financial problems, among other things – but NOTHING justifies such senseless acts of violence, ripping away innocent lives. 

There are NO excuses that can justify this behaviour. 

Having spent over a decade working with offenders, there are usually always red flags that can be seen on reflection. Even in instances where the killer commits murder in psychosis, there is usually a build up of stress, mental health decline and/or drug abuse. 

There is ALWAYS something that can be done before it’s too late.

No matter whether the issues relate to finances, relationship difficulties, anger issues, poor emotional management, build up of stress, parenting issues… there are so many services out there that can help. 

It’s too early to speculate what happened in this particular tragedy as there are little details being released. 

What is clear is that this is not ok, not acceptable and unfortunately this kind of behaviour is increasing at an alarming rate.

What do we need to do as families, as communities, as frontline workers, as a Government to stop this happening?

It’s impossible to make sense out of something so insanely senseless.

If you’re noticing red flags within you or someone you know, PLEASE TAKE ACTION.

Speak to your GP, Lifeline, a counsellor, your boss, a friend… speak to someone. 

There is help out there, the first step is admitting there’s a problem and you need help. 

Reach out NOW, before it’s too late. 

Lifeline: 13 11 14

Beyond Blue: 1300 22 4636

My thoughts are with the family and the first responders to this tragedy.

Much love,


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