Tired? Busy? Overworked? I’m the first to admit it, I am a master at making myself stupidly busy. I did it to myself when I lived in London, and I realised recently that I’ve been doing it to myself again – after promising myself I wouldn’t. In London, I didn’t really mind being uber busy, because the lifestyle I had in London was all about work hard, play hard. But since moving to sunny Western Australia, I swore I…
How to create a vision board Vision boards are awesome fun to create, and really bring our your inner child. The point of creating a vision board is basically rooted in the Law of Attraction i.e. what you focus on is what you attract more of. So by creating a vision board, it really gets you thinking about what you want to attract into your life, and by placing your board somewhere you can look at it daily, it helps…
Every now and then, some situation or another occurs in our life and for whatever reason, things don’t work out quite how you hoped they would. Now, I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. But your reaction to the outcome in that situation is your choice. If you are faced with a less than desirable outcome in a situation, and…