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Coach Carly

What has become your new normal, and are you willing to change it?

  I was talking to a client last week who described a life changing event when he was 14.   He smoked weed for the first (and last) time, and since then he felt like he’s been watching life through a veil, or from behind glass.   He’s had heightened anxiety and struggles to relate to those around him.   He’s looked into it on google and found the terms “derealization” and “depersonalisation.”   “Derealization is an alteration in the perception…

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We are all broken

  I love this quote by Ernest Hemingway;   “We are all broken. That’s how the light gets in.”   Reminds me of a blog I wrote on kintsukuroi, a Japanese technique where they take broken items and piece them back together with gold, the idea being that we are more beautiful for having been broken.   The most amazing people I’ve ever met are those who truly know what it is to feel broken, and to learn, heal and…

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I don’t know who I am anymore: the death of identity

As I approach “mid life,” I notice that more and more people around me are starting to feel like they don’t know who they are anymore.   The age milestone of 40 seems to bring with it a loss of identity for a lot of people.   Relationship breakdowns, divorce, bring with it the loss of identity as a husband, wife, family unit.   We lose grandparents and parents, and get closer to being next in line.   Maybe we suddenly…

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14 habits to calm your nervous system

  ** Image care of my super chill Squishy 🥰 Recently I wrote a blog called “you drown not by falling in the river, but by staying submerged in it.” This blog was all about how to process feelings if you’re feeling overwhelmed. But there are things that we can do on a daily or weekly basis to calm our nervous system, to stop us getting to that place of overwhelm. When stress levels are high, using positive daily habits…

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A great analogy about relationships

  I was listening to a Lewis Howes interview with Mathew Hussey this week (they’re both awesome) and Mathew gave a great analogy about relationships and building a castle.   He said too many people out there base their whole relationship on the connection with their partner and the potential they have together.   He said this is like buying an amazing plot of land together, in a beautiful landscape.   My ideal plot of land is by the ocean.…

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You drown not by falling in the river, but by staying submerged in it

  Life is full of ups and downs, where it can feel like the shit hitting the fan will never end. This is a guaranteed part of life. But like old mate Tony Robbins says, pain is part of life; suffering is optional. Granted, when life gives you lemons, you can feel very triggered, angry, hurt, upset, resentful, bitter… and if this goes on for long enough you risk burnout, anxiety and depression. We can be our own worst enemy…

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