All Posts By

Coach Carly

Have compassion for others who feel broken

  I read an amazing post today written by a survivor of an abusive relationship which I really resonated with.   She talked about her behaviours in that relationship that other people would have judged her for – drinking to self-medicate, feeling unhappy, not being her best self.   She said that some friends didn’t get it as they didn’t see the lie she was living, with others seeing him as Mr Nice Guy and her the Drunken Idiot.  …

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Are you living with integrity?

  I was listening to a podcast recently and the guest speaker said “the things you do when nobody is watching is who you really are – not who you are in front of others”. I agree with the sentiment that it’s the way we are in private that says more about us than who we are in front of others. Do the things you do when you’re alone and nobody is watching, match up to who you say you…

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You don’t have to do it all, just because you can

    Do you set high standards and expectations for yourself?   Do you have a never ending to-do list that seems to get longer, not shorter?   Are you a high achiever?   I definitely fall into this category and have exhausted myself being like that over the years.   My driving limiting belief was “you have to work really really really hard for everything you have and even then you can lose it all again”.   Over the…

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Connecting and competing with others for wellbeing

  The benefits of exercise for physical and mental wellbeing are well documented.   But the benefits of connecting with others in a training environment for the purpose of competing can be even more meaningful.   Highland Games WA (HGWA) brings together athletes for training and competing at events like the upcoming Swan Valley Highland Games – 21 November 2021.    I’ve been to a few of their events over the last year or so and something that has really…

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She’s the darkness most of us fear

  As I neared my 40th birthday earlier this year, I wanted to mark the occasion and get another tattoo.   I really wanted this one to mean something, unlike the ink I got when I was 17 and 21.   My first 40 years of life have been pretty incredible and full of experiences both amazing and disturbing, but all of them leading to transformation, growth, transmutation.   I love the mythology of the Phoenix burning and being reborn,…

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How to stop living a mediocre life

  I was listening to the Ed Mylett Show the other day where Ed interviewed Dean Gratsiosi and the episode was SO good with so many takeaways that I wanted to share.   The guys had a good chat where they distilled down their top tips for living a happy and successful life; here’s my fave takeaways from the show about their blueprint for happiness.   HAPPINESS COMES FROM STRETCHING OURSELVES   Ed and Dean both live the kind of…

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