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Do you like who you are?

  This isn’t a question many people consider very often but it’s an important one. Do you like who you are in general? What about the person you are (or become) around certain people? 🧐  What percentage of the time are you authentically YOU? Do you even know who your authentic self is? 🥹 I’m happy to say at this stage of my life that I like myself most of the time.  The times when I don’t like who I’m…

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Thank you to my amazing clients

  Just reflecting on the last 17 years of running my biz and how grateful I feel for so many cool experiences along the way. ✨ I’ve learned some incredible personal development and energy tools over the years and I’ll never stop learning. Each year I want to become a better version of myself by healing whatever may be holding me back. 🙌🏻 And I want to bring that better version of me to my clients, sharing my learnings along…

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Shit’s fucked but forgive yourself anyway

  Recently the amazing Paris interviewed me for her Shit’s Fucked podcast (love the name!)   We delve deep into self forgiveness, limiting beliefs + societal struggles like addiction.   Check it out on YouTube here:     As always, if you want a guide on your journey, drop me a message + let’s chat about how coaching +/or energy work can help.    Plus come over + join my free group here.   Catcha on the flip side,  …

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Love yourself enough to let real love in

  #reflection I’m so grateful to myself. Grateful I worked so hard at working on building my sense of self worth, self love + self esteem after I let partners who didn’t deserve my love tear it to shreds.  Grateful I kept building my self love when I met Cam because I felt panicky letting his amazing kind of love in. I didn’t/couldn’t trust it at first. After 20 years of challenging relationships where I was let down over +…

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How can I love you today?

  I was listening to a podcast the other day + they were talking about how to build stronger relationships. 💪🏻    Can’t for the life of me remember who I was listening to so won’t paste the link here but the interviewee said he + his wife ask this question of each other regularly:   “How can I love you today?” 💕   I thought this was such a cool question to ask your partner, so I’ve started doing…

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Manifesting, Money mindset + Clearing debt

  Manifesting, Money Mindset and Clearing Debt are things not often talked about in the entrepreneur world.   Join me as I chat to my friend Tracey Lee Cook on her channel The Podcast Empire, sharing my insights into how I pulled myself out of debt + manifested more abundance info my life.   I have a 2-hour workshop coming up on 28 October 2023 packed full of helpful tips to get a reality check on what may be keeping…

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