Feeling the post-Easter bulge?

chocolate easter bunny my butt hurts funny picture

Chances are, over the Easter long weekend you stuffed yourself silly with chocolate (I know I did, especially when doing the “Easter bunny hiding the chocolate eggs” run) and are now feeling a little over-indulged. As I write this, there are two boxes of left-over Easter eggs on the table in front of me!

Gone are the days of feeling guilty for over-indulging. Since starting on my first nutritional cleanse in August last year, I now have the tools I need to eat what I want guilt-free on the holidays, because I know I can follow it up with a cleanse and replenish program, easy peezy lemon squeezy.

I also wrote about this in a previous blog, Muffin Top Madness.

If you’re feeling the guilts and/or the bulge, then get in touch with me to find out how I can support you through your own cleanse 🙂

Until next time


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