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Self love vs self care

    Back in early 2011, I found myself back in depression soon after thinking I’d recovered from it.   2010 was a pretty terrible year for me in many ways.   I slipped a disc in my back, was signed off work for 4 months, left a toxic relationship, ended up in depression and ultimately moved to Australia to fulfil a lifelong dream.   I think a lot of us who move to another country end up with the blues at some…

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Ever feel like you just want to hide away?

Ever feel like you just want to hide away? I felt a bit like that this morning.   **Vulnerable blog alert**   For years now I’ve been so focused and dedicated to achieving some big ass goals in my life. I grew up with the belief (which has limited me a lot in recent years) that you have to work really really really hard. I have a really strong work ethic and was really committed to my career in Corrections…

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