Recently I seem to be having a lot of conversations with strong, warrior women in my life who are going through really difficult times and in huge conflict about showing their vulnerability. Do you consider yourself to be a fearless warrior? Yeah, me too. The problem with that is that we’re often reluctant to admit we need help, and even more reluctant to ask for it
Back in 2010, I was in a…
Are you in a relationship (or friendship) where there seems to be a lot of drama that leaves you confused?You might be dating a toxic person.IN AN ARGUMENT THEY LOOK TO INFLICT DAMAGE NOT SOLVE PROBLEMSThey do this because they’re trying to protect themselves from a perceived threat to themselves or to the relationship.If you’re showing signs of being independent – such as going out with your friends without them – they won’t show their vulnerability to you.If they’re feeling…
Recently I seem to be having a lot of conversations with strong, warrior women in my life who are going through really difficult times and in huge conflict about showing their vulnerability. Do you consider yourself to be a fearless warrior? Yeah, me too. The problem with that is that we are often reluctant to admit we need help, and even more reluctant to ask for it. Back in 2010, I was in a really bad place in my life.…
In an earlier blog, I talked about the psychological model of communication between adults, parents, and children, coined as Transactional Analysis by Eric Berne in the 1950’s. Berne suggested that each of us play “games” which are unconsciously motivated behavioural interactions, driven by our unconscious belief system. These games cause situations, or lead us to perceive a situation, as a familiar negative feeling, which then gives us more ammunition as to why our limiting beliefs about ourselves, the world and…