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How to stop living a mediocre life

  I was listening to the Ed Mylett Show the other day where Ed interviewed Dean Gratsiosi and the episode was SO good with so many takeaways that I wanted to share.   The guys had a good chat where they distilled down their top tips for living a happy and successful life; here’s my fave takeaways from the show about their blueprint for happiness.   HAPPINESS COMES FROM STRETCHING OURSELVES   Ed and Dean both live the kind of…

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Would you rather be an eagle or a duck?

There’s a great analogy in the world of biz and leadership that talks about how to spot whether people are eagles or ducks (most peeps are ducks, I call them sheeples).Ducks…🦆 quack and complain🦆 walk around in their own shit🦆 spend a lot of their time at ground level🦆 ducks are everywhere🦆 they follow the crowd, walking in a straight line looking neither left nor right so they can’t look outside their own limits🦆 they’re easy to control🦆 they do…

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Always be failing forward

Let’s face it – life is a series of failures. How do you feel when you look back on your past “failures?” I say that in quotation marks because I don’t really believe that anything is a failure if you choose to look at it in the right way. Failure isn’t fatal. In fact we need failures because they help to challenge us, growing us into a stronger person armed with more knowledge about what to do better next time. So…

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