Hey legends! I’ve got some really exciting news I’ve been keeping wrapped up for what feels like YEARS now that I really can’t keep to myself any longer or I’ll actually explode!! 🤩 For almost a year now I’ve been working my big butt off behind the scenes to create something special for you ladies out there, a mahoosive game changer for your life. Actually, I feel like this has been brewing inside my brain for years and…
Have you ever gone through a challenging time in life and felt completely alone? Like you were the only one in the world going through something like this? Like nobody would understand? You don’t talk to anyone about what you’re going through as you’re worried they’ll judge you. When we’re going through crisis and chaos in our lives, we can feel isolated and alone. But when we come out the other side and share…
I was listening to an audio book by ex Navy SEAL Admiral William H McRaven called “Make Your Bed” (get it for free on YouTube) last week, and his important learnings from his training relate to all of us if we want to be our best selves.I was listening to an audio book by ex Navy SEAL Admiral William H McRaven called “Make Your Bed” (get it for free on YouTube) last week, and his important learnings from his training…
I was listening to a Jay Shetty video the other day and he quoted a study where people were given the option of either sitting in a room with their own thoughts for 15 minutes, or giving themselves an electric shock.60% of men and 30% of women gave themselves a shock, rather than spend 15 minutes alone with their own head.Which would you choose?I know so many people who would really struggle to sit alone and do nothing for that…
I was talking to a coaching client the other day about The Hero’s Journey. The Hero’s Journey is a map of transformation, where you can take a difficult experience you’ve gone through in the past and see the map from struggle to transformation, and everything in between. The original story of the Hero’s Journey was told by Joseph Campbell in his book “The Hero With a Thousand Faces” and it starts with a ‘call to adventure’ – a longing from…