Browsing Tag

rock bottom

The upward spiral

    Most of us have been through a period in our lives where we have been at rock bottom.   At the time, you may have found yourself thinking “how the hell did I get here?”   If you reflect back, there were probably multiple red flags and warning signs that led you on a downhill spiral to rock bottom.   Once you hit rock bottom, the only way is up through a series of changes that help you…

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What to do when you’re feeling stuck or depressed {video}

Hey guys Today I have a video for you that I recorded the other day as a Facebook Live video. I recorded this for anyone who is currently feeling stuck, anxious, depressed and/or suicidal at the moment – you are NOT alone. This video was inspired by listening to other people’s stories about how they hit rock bottom and came out the other side. Please watch and share xx Click here to watch the video. Are you ready to stop…

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