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How to live an antifragile life

    There’s a lot out there on being resilient, leaning into being punched in the face over and over again and not allowing it to bring you down.   But what if you could be more than just resilient?   What if you could be antifragile?   “The fragile wants tranquility, the antifragile grows from disorder, and the robust doesn’t care too much” ~ Nassim Nicholas Taleb   Are you just living, or are you living in a way where you’re antifragile?  …

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R E S I L I E N C E : the ability to get punched in the face over and over again

  Would you describe yourself as a resilient person? Resilience is about a persons capacity to recover from shitty situations, to be able to “spring back into shape” no matter what life throws at you. What helps make someone resilient? resilient peeps have a realistic awareness of self they’re adaptable they’re optimistic they’re pragmatic the ability to be autonomous they’re connected to others they have self-compassion   There’s always going to be challenging shit that comes at us in life.…

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Do you suffer from mother’s guilt?

This week I’m running coaching workshops and energy treatments at my best friend Kelly Rennie’s Busy Mums Retreat in Queensland. The venue is AMAZEBALLS (check it out here) and for a few days these 12 amazing mums are being treated to massages, spa, sauna, swimming, beach time, mindset workshops, healthy food and workouts.   The next workshop is in March – email kelly@busymumfitness.com for more info or check out her website https://busymumfitness.com. So many of these gorgeous ladies have mother’s guilt coming up…

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Stress + rest = growth

I was listening to a great podcast recently about the growth equation: growth = stress + rest.​Listen hereThe presenter was initially talking about how our muscles grow when put under stress, but the same is also true for pretty much any area of our life. When we face challenges in our life, it puts us under a certain amount of stress.Continued stress without rest leads to injury, burnout and illness. Too much stress can lead to giving up.Not enough stress can lead to boredom, complacency and laziness.But the right…

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