I heard on a podcast the other day, “enabling comes in many forms”. How true that is. enabler /ɪˈneɪblə,ɛˈneɪblə/ A person who encourages or enables negative or self-destructive behaviour in another. I’ve spent many years in the past enabling others to continue to treat me in a certain way, or continue a certain pattern of behaviour without setting boundaries. I’ve enabled people to continue an addiction. I’ve enabled people to continue living in…
After spending most of my life helping others, and often (in the past) to my detriment, I thought I’d share some learnings that I wish someone had shared with me. ❤️🩹 PEOPLE CAN CHANGE, BUT WE CAN’T CHANGE THEM As a helper type it’s so natural to want to dive in and help people we see in need, especially those closest to us. 🥹 We do this because we believe everyone has the capacity to change; over…
Are you someone who loves to help other people? You might be a coach, healer, work in the medical industry or just love to help your friends. If so, this video is for you! Here’s the free report I mention in the video on burnout. Remember to take care of the most important person – that’s you! Catcha on the flip side, …
In an earlier blog, I talked about the psychological model of communication between adults, parents, and children, coined as Transactional Analysis by Eric Berne in the 1950’s. Berne suggested that each of us play “games” which are unconsciously motivated behavioural interactions, driven by our unconscious belief system. These games cause situations, or lead us to perceive a situation, as a familiar negative feeling, which then gives us more ammunition as to why our limiting beliefs about ourselves, the world and…