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Final Notice! Doors Closing in 6 Hours!

  ⏰ 6 HOURS LEFT ⏰ FINAL NOTICE TO JOIN PROJECT SELF WORTH! You can’t say you weren’t warned, right?!  There are only 6 hours before the doors slam shut to the first  live round of the Project Self Worth Program.   ✅ No mucking around now.  Comment/reply  “READY”  and I’ll personally send you a private message.    This way we can schedule a quick call to go through all the details with you and we can decide whether or…

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Act now before you lose out!

  Hey legend Just wanted to reiterate what you’ll be missing out on if you miss this live round of Project Self Worth.   Here’s EVERYTHING you get as a member of the Project Self Worth program:   This is a 12 week transformational journey that includes:  Weekly live group video calls (starting 26 February 2025) 6 Project Self Worth Modules (with several lessons in each) that you can access straight away Live nervous system regulation training in the live…

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Big exciting news for you amazing legends! 🤩

  Have you ever looked back at a moment in time and KNOWN it was the moment your entire life changed? Well, consider this a sign that change is well and truly on the way.    A BIG FLASHING NEON SIGN. 💠   Back in 2019, I was a complete shell of myself after yet another failed relationship. 🫥 After years of abusive relationships with narcissists, putting myself last, having shit boundaries and not loving or respecting myself, I didn’t…

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Big news coming!!

  Hey legends!   I’ve got some really exciting news I’ve been keeping wrapped up for what feels like YEARS now that I really can’t keep to myself any longer or I’ll actually explode!! 🤩 For almost a year now  I’ve been working my big butt off behind the scenes to create something special for you ladies out there, a mahoosive game changer for your life.  Actually, I feel like this has been brewing inside my brain for years and…

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Healthy vs unhealthy relationships

  These days, the bulk of the coaching work I do with clients is around their relationship. Often, when a client starts working with me for coaching or energy work they come to me with some vague problems around feeling unhappy and discontent with where they’re at in life, but they’re struggling to understand why. 😞 It doesn’t usually take many sessions to realise that they have a serious lack of self-love which is showing up in a lack of…

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Strategies for healthy boundaries when dealing with victim mindsets

  I was once sat next to an older lady while we both got our nails done.  About five minutes after I sat down to get mine done she starts telling me all about her life. An hour later I knew she’d had a heart attack eight years ago and that’s why she was sweating so much, she has a pacemaker and recently she broke her finger saving a puppy and now can’t feel any pain in that hand –…

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