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Where will you be in 5 years if you don’t invest in yourself now?

    Every now and again I get a message that goes something like this:   “I want coaching/Reiki/to learn Reiki/to change my life, but I don’t have any money.”   This immediately tells me something really important about that person.   They aren’t truly committed to making the changes they say they want in their life 🤷🏼‍♀️    I know straight away this person is hoping to get something for nothing, and I also know I could give them…

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Do you need more work life balance?

  I saw recently there has been a 30% increase in a google search for “how to find work life balance”.   With the last couple of years of the pandemic, a lot more peeps have been working from home.   This really blurs the boundary between work life and home life.   It’s also always been this way for those of us who run businesses, especially those who run a biz on the side of full time work.  …

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