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Let’s talk about shame

    I was listening to a podcast about domestic abuse yesterday.    The woman being interviewed works in the field with survivors + training professionals.   She was sharing her experience of her own abusive relationship + the shame she felt being in one while also working in the field, as well as how it changed her work.   It brought up so many parallels for me that I wanted to share.    I never share this stuff from…

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Are you trying to manifest like a mo fo + it’s not working for you?

    The Law of Attraction    Most people by now have heard about the Law of Attraction through the book + movie “The Secret”. 🤫    The principle of the Law of Attraction is that “where attention goes, energy flows” – meaning that you give your power to whatever you focus on. 🧐   If you spend your time focusing on what you don’t want, you’ll get more of that.   If you get clear on what you want…

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7 Steps to reclaim your power

  1. Avoid blaming someone or something else for your negative feelings. Nothing and nobody has the power to control how you think and feel unless you let it.   2. Don’t blame yourself for not being in control. You’re doing the best you can.   3. Be aware of when you’re playing the victim role. Learn the clues that tell you when you’re not being responsible for what you’re being/doing/having/feeling.   4. Get to know your biggest energy –…

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