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personal development

Trusting yourself again: Tips for healing & moving on

  Recently I shared the quote: “Everyone talks about how hard it is to trust people after you’ve been hurt. But not many people talk about how hard it is to trust YOURSELF when you’ve had your gut instincts, values and convictions skilfully undermined in a relationship where you’ve been coercively controlled.” Up until I met my amazing fiancé Cam in 2020, I had a history of relationships where I’d been love bombed, gaslighted, manipulated, coercively controlled and emotionally, mentally…

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Big exciting news for you amazing legends! 🤩

  Maybe you’ve been feeling a little (or a lot!) stuck, anxious, overwhelmed, like a shell of your former self and unsure what action to take next? 🥹 Have you ever looked back at a moment in time and KNOWN it was the moment your entire life changed? Well, consider this a sign that change is well and truly on the way.  A BIG FLASHING NEON SIGN. 💠 I know. It’s a fucking big promise, but stay with me, because…

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Codependent no more

  I seem to be having a lot of conversations lately about codependent relationships. Firstly, it’s important to know that even strong, independent people end up in codependent relationships. I know this first hand after being in many codependent relationships myself, even though I consider myself a very independent person. WHERE DOES IT ALL START? As a kid, if you’ve experienced the following things it leaves you way more likely to find yourself in codependent relationships as an adult: 😢…

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Make no apologies for who you are

  The other day I sent out a blog and newsletter, the title of which was “Un-fuck yourself in 2024”. The whole point of the blog is about doing personal development and healing work to help you shed the layers of shit that have dimmed your shine and led you away from your true authentic self. 🥹 I have an amazing bunch of legends who’ve been following my work for a while and those who know me know that I’m…

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Do you like who you are?

  This isn’t a question many people consider very often but it’s an important one. Do you like who you are in general? What about the person you are (or become) around certain people? 🧐  What percentage of the time are you authentically YOU? Do you even know who your authentic self is? 🥹 I’m happy to say at this stage of my life that I like myself most of the time.  The times when I don’t like who I’m…

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Thank you to my amazing clients

  Just reflecting on the last 17 years of running my biz and how grateful I feel for so many cool experiences along the way. ✨ I’ve learned some incredible personal development and energy tools over the years and I’ll never stop learning. Each year I want to become a better version of myself by healing whatever may be holding me back. 🙌🏻 And I want to bring that better version of me to my clients, sharing my learnings along…

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