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How to live an antifragile life

    There’s a lot out there on being resilient, leaning into being punched in the face over and over again and not allowing it to bring you down.   But what if you could be more than just resilient?   What if you could be antifragile?   “The fragile wants tranquility, the antifragile grows from disorder, and the robust doesn’t care too much” ~ Nassim Nicholas Taleb   Are you just living, or are you living in a way where you’re antifragile?  …

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The quality of your emotions equals the quality of your life

  Do you agree with this statement?   On a daily basis I work with clients who struggle to manage their emotions.   Some are completely disconnected from them and have a hard time knowing how to even state what emotion they are feeling other than simply “good” or “bad”.   Being completely disconnected is often a protection mechanism – they feel they might unlock Pandora’s box and face all the shit they’re avoiding if they start to delve into…

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12 tips to manage mental overwhelm

“It’s not the daily increase but daily decrease. Hack away at the unessential” Bruce Lee. We all have days, weeks, months or even years, where stress gets the better of us and we crack under the pressure. Stress is a part of the modern world and some of us do really well under lots of stress – it forces us out of our comfort zone, leading to growth and change. The biggest trait in those who manage stress well is…

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Where are you not being true to yourself?

Recently I’ve been coaching clients through such a vast range of different challenges – separation and divorce, drug addiction, procrastination, finding their purpose, feelings of depression/anxiety/suicidal thoughts, and recovery from past trauma. While these issues may seem totally different from each other, there is a huge, overarching theme that connects them all – a lack of self love and limiting beliefs holding us back. On the face of it, a lack of self love isn’t always obvious. You might be…

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