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Are these blocks stopping you from your goal of running a small biz?

  A lot of people I know run a small biz these days – sometimes as their only source of income, but often as a hobby biz on the side.   I started my biz in 2006, and it grew very organically along the way initially without the amazing social media we have at our hands today.   Over the years, I’ve coached friends and clients to help them overcome the blocks stopping them from starting, or growing, their small…

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10 life lessons from a Navy SEAL that relate to every day life

I was listening to an audio book by ex Navy SEAL Admiral William H McRaven called “Make Your Bed” (get it for free on YouTube) last week, and his important learnings from his training relate to all of us if we want to be our best selves.I was listening to an audio book by ex Navy SEAL Admiral William H McRaven called “Make Your Bed” (get it for free on YouTube) last week, and his important learnings from his training…

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When life gives you lemons

    What to do when things don’t work out quite how you thought they would…   Every now and then, the shit hits the fan and for whatever reason, things don’t work out how you thought they would.How do you respond when life gives you lemons?Do you chuck your toys out of your pram or do you try and see the positives? Your reaction is always your choice. What do you choose to do in that moment? Do you wallow in self pity, talking…

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