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Are you a love addict in a codependent relationship?

A codependent relationship is a love addiction where we seek to prove our worth by helping people with broken wings.We’re drawn to addicts and under-functioners who’ll depend on us emotionally, financially or in some other way.Many of us who find ourselves in this kind of relationship have a history of neglect, abuse, or family addiction in our childhood.If we aren’t allowed to show our feelings to the adults around us, or how we felt wasn’t validated, this leads to limiting…

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We are all just trying to fill our unmet needs

I work with clients from all kinds of backgrounds. With a lot of people that have had the kind of upbringing most people would prefer to not know was possible. Drug addicts. The homeless. People with a hectic criminal record. Something they all have in common is that no matter how broken they seem to society, they are all survivors. Survivors of abuse of all kinds.Survivors of self-harm and suicide attempts. Survivors of neglect and lives without love. They are…

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