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love addiction

5 signs you’re dating a toxic person

Are you in a relationship (or friendship) where there seems to be a lot of drama that leaves you confused?You might be dating a toxic person.IN AN ARGUMENT THEY LOOK TO INFLICT DAMAGE NOT SOLVE PROBLEMSThey do this because they’re trying to protect themselves from a perceived threat to themselves or to the relationship.If you’re showing signs of being independent – such as going out with your friends without them – they won’t show their vulnerability to you.If they’re feeling…

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Are you a love addict in a codependent relationship?

A codependent relationship is a love addiction where we seek to prove our worth by helping people with broken wings.We’re drawn to addicts and under-functioners who’ll depend on us emotionally, financially or in some other way.Many of us who find ourselves in this kind of relationship have a history of neglect, abuse, or family addiction in our childhood.If we aren’t allowed to show our feelings to the adults around us, or how we felt wasn’t validated, this leads to limiting…

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