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Life Coaching

How to manage career burnout

Career Breakthrough Podcast with Paul Ames I was interviewed by my good friend Paul for episode 17 and we spoke at length about how people can experience burnout no matter what career they choose – even if you’re doing a job that you love! Tune in to this episode for my tips on how to manage burnout. If you’re unable to see the video below, which sometimes happens when viewing on a mobile, you can click here.     Catcha on…

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My Interview On The Paradise Within Show

    Recently I was interview by Neary Heng for The Paradise Within Show. Initially we were going to talk about how I came to find my passion in life, doing what I love for my work. As we got into our conversation we found ourselves delving deeply into the subject of suicide and how I ended up coaching people through change and trauma. It became a really interesting conversation where I share a few gold nuggets about what people…

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An early Christmas pressie for you – freebies and special offers!

Hey lovely! Wowzers, can you believe the year is nearly over! It still feels weird to me living in Australia and having summer over Christmas – Santa isn’t supposed to wear board shorts 🙂 I have a special gift for you this week, think of it as an early Christmas pressie. Freebie 1: What your body wisdom is trying to tell you – download this free cheat sheet if you’re experiencing illness, aches and pains that won’t go away. Freebie…

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2016 wrap-up special offer!

  Hey guys! The end of 2016 is fast approaching. What goals did you set for yourself at the start of the year? Did you achieve them? Or did you, like some of my clients, have their worst year in ages? I have a special offer for you over the months of December and January – 2 hours of coaching (or can be split into 2 separate coaching sessions), for only $200 (over 50% discount from my usual price). In…

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Are you really {insert critical comment about yourself here}, or are you just not working in your zone of genius?

Yesterday I was chatting to a new coaching client, and he admitted to being quite critical of himself. He would call himself disorganised, lazy and lacking in willpower and planning.  But when he was talking about doing hobbies that he was passionate about, that totally float his boat and make him feel alive, I asked him the following question: Are you disorganised, lazy, or lacking in willpower or planning when you’re doing the thing you love the most? He acknowledged…

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4 easy things to do when you’re feeling stuck

Are you feeling in resistance mode right now? By that I mean – are you feeling stuck, are you feeling angry or resentful, or any other negative emotions that are keeping you from feeling like you can move forward? I’ve definitely been there on and off for the last few weeks, brought on by dealing with annoying technical issues with my laptop and social media, but needing to get stuff done nonetheless. I was noticing that when I had to…

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