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lewis howes

A great analogy about relationships

  I was listening to a Lewis Howes interview with Mathew Hussey this week (they’re both awesome) and Mathew gave a great analogy about relationships and building a castle.   He said too many people out there base their whole relationship on the connection with their partner and the potential they have together.   He said this is like buying an amazing plot of land together, in a beautiful landscape.   My ideal plot of land is by the ocean.…

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Do you need to get to un-know yourself?

  I was listening to a Lewis Howes podcast recently, and the guest being interviewed that his personal development had been more about getting to un-know himself in order to better know himself. That’s so true when you’re focusing on self-growth. It’s about releasing all the stories and limiting beliefs that have held you back and have caused you to do (or not do) things that your best self would do differently. Since getting into personal development when I was…

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