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Are you enabling those you love?

  I heard on a podcast the other day, “enabling comes in many forms”.   How true that is.   enabler /ɪˈneɪblə,ɛˈneɪblə/   A person who encourages or enables negative or self-destructive behaviour in another.   I’ve spent many years in the past enabling others to continue to treat me in a certain way, or continue a certain pattern of behaviour without setting boundaries.   I’ve enabled people to continue an addiction.   I’ve enabled people to continue living in…

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Stop feeding the monsters in your head – water the seeds instead

  We all have days where the Negative Nancy/Ned in our head spirals out of control. Where lack of sleep, pain or illness, our environment or whatever it might be, gets the better of us. But our mindset is key here to how far we allow ourselves to spiral down the rabbit hole of shitty thoughts. We all have good and bad days – that’s part of life. Have you ever noticed how people who constantly complain have more bad…

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