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how to get through negative emotions

My Interview On The Paradise Within Show

    Recently I was interview by Neary Heng for The Paradise Within Show. Initially we were going to talk about how I came to find my passion in life, doing what I love for my work. As we got into our conversation we found ourselves delving deeply into the subject of suicide and how I ended up coaching people through change and trauma. It became a really interesting conversation where I share a few gold nuggets about what people…

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F*ck positive thinking (when you’re depressed and suicidal)

Hey guys I was just reflecting on a conversation I was having with a new client last week. He’s in a pretty bad way, he’s very depressed and he’s attempted suicide a number of times now. To watch the video on YouTube click here. During this initial call we had, he mentioned how many people had talked to him about positive thinking – you know, “just think positively.” I know a lot of people who are depressed, or who are feeling…

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