Hey legend Just wanted to reiterate what you’ll be missing out on if you miss this live round of Project Self Worth. Here’s EVERYTHING you get as a member of the Project Self Worth program: This is a 12 week transformational journey that includes: Weekly live group video calls (starting 26 February 2025) 6 Project Self Worth Modules (with several lessons in each) that you can access straight away Live nervous system regulation training in the live…
ADVANCED HEALING TECHNIQUES Sunday 2 February 10am to 3pm GROUP DISTANT HEALING Wednesday 15 January 6-7pm via video call 5 DAY LOVE LAB CHALLENGE – FREE 20-25 January Online via Kajabi SOUND AND ENERGY HEALING Saturday 1 February 2-3.30pm Trigg – Surfing WA REIKI 1 Sunday 16 February 10am to 4pm COMING SOON…. Project Self Worth 3 month coaching container to help you massively transform your life + relationships Grab this freebie +…
When I first heard “never let the unacceptable become the acceptable it really triggered a big reflection for me. 🧐 A reflection on how many times in the past I’ve done exactly that – let the unacceptable become the acceptable. 🥹 How in the past I’ve allowed myself to be treated with disrespect due to my own shitty boundaries. 😔 How I’ve allowed others to emotionally abuse me – some for years. 😭 How I gave my energy…
I was once sat next to an older lady while we both got our nails done. About five minutes after I sat down to get mine done she starts telling me all about her life. An hour later I knew she’d had a heart attack eight years ago and that’s why she was sweating so much, she has a pacemaker and recently she broke her finger saving a puppy and now can’t feel any pain in that hand –…
I love this quote by Ernest Hemingway; “We are all broken. That’s how the light gets in.” Reminds me of a blog I wrote on kintsukuroi, a Japanese technique where they take broken items and piece them back together with gold, the idea being that we are more beautiful for having been broken. ❤️🩹 The most amazing people I’ve ever met are those who truly know what it is to feel broken, and to learn, heal and grow in…
When I coach my clients around relationship issues, I find a really good question to ask is whether they’d be happy if their kid (or sibling or someone else they love) was in a relationship similar to their own. 🧐 It’s a confronting question and one that generates an immediate response. We can fart-arse around any other question and smooth things over in our minds about our own relationship…. but if you took that same kind of…