Browsing Tag

goal setting

Are these blocks stopping you from your goal of running a small biz?

  A lot of people I know run a small biz these days – sometimes as their only source of income, but often as a hobby biz on the side.   I started my biz in 2006, and it grew very organically along the way initially without the amazing social media we have at our hands today.   Over the years, I’ve coached friends and clients to help them overcome the blocks stopping them from starting, or growing, their small…

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7 Day Of Daily Tips To Kick Off Your 2017 With A Bang

  Recently I did a daily Facebook live video every day for 7 days, sharing a different tip each day focused on how to kick off your 2017 in the best way possible. Check out the videos here 🙂  Tip 1 – get closure on 2016 Tip 2 – set up your day in the right way Tip 3 – wake up earlier Tip 4 – set your goals Tip 5 – do a January detox Tip 6 – drink…

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What’s your ideal day?

Happy Monday lovelies!! This morning as I was unpacking my office in my new dream home by the ocean, I found my wish list and ideal day – and smiled HARD! Watch this video to find out why 🙂 As always, have an amazing day! Are you ready to stop struggling through life and create your own amazing day? Are you sick of feeling like you’re stuck in survival mode? Come and join my other members who are also on…

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