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Inside out – How our beliefs are formed

  This week I went to see the movie, Inside Out 2. 🫶🏻 It was such a fun way to represent to kids and adults how beliefs are formed in the brain and also how you can overcome negative/limiting beliefs. Riley, the main character, hits puberty overnight and it’s so funny to watch the representation of how the “characters” – joy, sadness, disgust, anger and fear handle this new unknown territory when the shit hits the fan and the new…

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You get more of what you focus on

  When I was learning to ride a motorbike, my instructor was quick to tell me to focus my attention on the direction I wanted to go in. 🏍️    So when I found myself on my brand new motorbike looking at a kerb and thinking to myself “don’t look at the kerb,” let’s just say it didn’t end well.   Ouch! 🥴   (I wrote my bike off and nearly myself in the process!)   “You get what you…

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Pain is part of life; suffering is optional

    We all go through painful situations in life – it’s an inevitable part of the journey of living.   But suffering is a human condition + one that we do to ourselves.    We obsessively think about things that happened in our past, that we did or were done to us. 🤯   We overthink all the things we believe are going wrong in our lives.   By doing so, we forget how magnificent our life really is.…

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The ups + downs of chronic pain

    This is me, Thursday night just gone, in massive pain and laying on hot water bottles.    I’ve had chronic pain for about the last nine or ten years after I wrote off my motorbike and landed on my head.   Didn’t know for the first seven years that it was a bulging disc in my neck causing issues as my main symptom was neck and shoulder pain.    Started getting a mad headache on Wednesday which by…

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From suicidal “Tough Tits Tine” to thriving as a core wound expert

  When we met around 2012, Tina and I hit it off massively as friends.    Back then, she was working in hospitality, drinking and taking drugs regularly to block out her childhood.    Many years later when we were working in sessions together with coaching and healing, her past trauma hit her like a freight train.     She realised she was running the unconscious programming that she was “disgusting” which had led to many years of projecting a…

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3 tools to kick off your New Year

    At the start of each year I like to take a moment to pause, reflect and set my goals for the year ahead.   There are three tools I want to share with you to get your 2023 kicked off with a bang.     MORE + LESS LIST   The first two tools are two separate lists.   ✅ Write out a list of everything you want more of in 2023.    What do you want to…

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