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feeling stuck

Are you feeling lost/stuck right now? Here’s what you can do about it.

  Recently I keep having a similar conversation with clients and friends – a lot of people seem to be feeling really lost or stuck right now. Watch the video here on YouTube if you can’t see it below.     Are you feeling this way at the moment too? Maybe you made a big decision a few years ago like moving to another city/country, starting a new job like working at the mines, ended a relationship… and now you’re…

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4 easy things to do when you’re feeling stuck

Are you feeling in resistance mode right now? By that I mean – are you feeling stuck, are you feeling angry or resentful, or any other negative emotions that are keeping you from feeling like you can move forward? I’ve definitely been there on and off for the last few weeks, brought on by dealing with annoying technical issues with my laptop and social media, but needing to get stuff done nonetheless. I was noticing that when I had to…

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Questions To Ask Yourself When You Feel Stuck

  Are you going through a rough time right now and feeling a bit stuck?   I always find it helpful to ask questions – in my mind, often at night before I go to sleep. Then just let it go and wait to receive the answers.   Sometimes the answer comes in unexpected ways. It might be a conversation with a stranger, something you read, a gift, it could be anything or a mixture of things. But if you…

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