ADVANCED HEALING TECHNIQUES Sunday 2 February 10am to 3pm GROUP DISTANT HEALING Wednesday 15 January 6-7pm via video call 5 DAY LOVE LAB CHALLENGE – FREE 20-25 January Online via Kajabi SOUND AND ENERGY HEALING Saturday 1 February 2-3.30pm Trigg – Surfing WA REIKI 1 Sunday 16 February 10am to 4pm COMING SOON…. Project Self Worth 3 month coaching container to help you massively transform your life + relationships Grab this freebie +…
As a 29 year old, the From Surviving To Thriving course was the first bit of self development I have ever done outside schooling & TAFE. ✍🏻 The modules are so well put together that I found myself learning all kinds of things about myself, such as pin pointing behaviours, where I sabotage myself, what to let go of in order for me to thrive! 🤗 Carly is an amazing coach, her compassion, understanding & holistic approach to individuals…
I recently did a distant healing on a friend who said he had really sore eyes and it was causing a lot of pain. 👀 I’ve done a lot of healings on him in the past but sore eyes is definitely a new thing for him. So I did a comprehensive distant healing focusing on the goal if healing whatever was going on with his eyes. After kicking out any “bad juju” – negative entities, negative thought forms and…
Recently I’ve been asked by a few mums whether I work with teens. The answer is yes. ✅ Back in my early 20’s I was a mentor for youth at risk of being expelled from a school in Peckham, a low socioeconomic area in South East London. Each week I’d turn up for a chat with them and they seemed so relieved to talk to me. 🥹 I wasn’t their parent, teacher or friend. …
Back when I was around 27 (just yesterday then 😂) I was living in London, in a toxic abusive relationship that was draining me and I was burnt out. I went for an energy healing and on the way out of the underground, as I was walking up the stairs I saw this shop in front of me selling cupcakes 🧁 This big lemon yellow cupcake was glowing and calling my name, “Carly, buy me, buuuuyyyy…
A little while ago, I wrote a blog talking about what I’d noticed in peoples energy fields over the previous four years leading up to the pandemic, and what I noticed happened during lockdown. Things have changed again in my clients energy fiends since people started getting the COVID vaccine. Please know, I’m not necessarily pro or anti anything but I am pro individual choice. I think it’s so sad that families and friends…