I was listening to Danny Morel interview therapist Terri Cole this week and she was listing out the traits of high functioning codependents (HFC’s) and my brain said: OMG THAT’S MEEEEEE!!! 😳 ⚡️ Well, it’s the version of me from the past but I consider myself “in recovery” (I still need to keep myself in check at times). HFC’s exhibit codependent traits while still managing to perform well in many areas of their lives. While they may seem successful…
Last week I got the following email via the contact form on my website: “All this advice, advice, advice! Why doesn’t anyone EVER acknowledge the limitations put upon us by those who control the narrative? Those who make the laws and decide our options? It’s near to impossible to create the life you want when society decides it for you and expects you to toe the line? I’m all for making my dreams come true… if only “they” would…
I often find myself working with clients who have never learned how to appropriately identify their emotions. 🥹 They put their emotions in two buckets – bad (angry and sad) or good (happy). Our emotions are much more complex than this and it can be helpful here to refer to the wheel of emotions to explore what you’re feeling in a much deeper way. For example, you may think that you’re feeling angry, but there are…
I recently had an awesome podcast interview with my friend Tracey Cook around triggers. We discuss; ❔ what are triggers + where they originate 🌀 a quick + easy way to neutralise your triggers in the moment 🙌🏻 how to do a deeper dive into healing the source of your triggers I guided Tracey through a trigger she’d experienced that day + did a live demo with her where we explored the emotions + used…
When we met around 2012, Tina and I hit it off massively as friends. Back then, she was working in hospitality, drinking and taking drugs regularly to block out her childhood. Many years later when we were working in sessions together with coaching and healing, her past trauma hit her like a freight train. She realised she was running the unconscious programming that she was “disgusting” which had led to many years of projecting a…
I read a beautiful quote the other day; “Being heard is so close to being loved that for the average person, they are almost indistinguishable.” —David W. Augsburger Active listening and really hearing what the other person is saying is a skill we can take for granted. For a lot of people I work with, they’ve felt unheard for a lot of their lives. This can lead to them shutting down and not bothering…