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Ed Mylett

How to stop living a mediocre life

  I was listening to the Ed Mylett Show the other day where Ed interviewed Dean Gratsiosi and the episode was SO good with so many takeaways that I wanted to share.   The guys had a good chat where they distilled down their top tips for living a happy and successful life; here’s my fave takeaways from the show about their blueprint for happiness.   HAPPINESS COMES FROM STRETCHING OURSELVES   Ed and Dean both live the kind of…

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That which you do not hate you’ll eventually tolerate

I was watching an awesome interview with Ed Mylett, Peak Performance expert this week (check out the video here: https://youtu.be/na7RfQ5NBC8) called what everyone struggling needs to know. Ed said his favourite quote was by Malcolm X, “that which you do not hate you will eventually tolerate.” This identifies most people’s lives.  Average becomes a sort of slow asphyxiation where over time we become stuck in our comfort zone and immune to the person we’re becoming.  We minimise where we’re at…

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