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denise duffield-thomas

How can I overcome feelings of unworthiness around money?

Last week I sent out an email to my peeps asking to get to know them better by them sharing with me what they’re struggling with, and questions they’d like to ask me. One of the questions I got was; “How can I overcome feelings of unworthiness when it comes to money? I am going into business and don’t want to sabotage it before it’s even off the ground! Thank you for your work- it’s because of your support (and…

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Could Your “Money Personality” Be Sabotaging You? (guest blog)

Guest blog by Denise Duffield-Thomas You know the feeling you get when you do “that thing” around money AGAIN? Spend wildly on a new extravagance even though bills are due… Hoard every penny even though you really want to splurge on a vacation… Forgo a spa treatment because your daughter really wants that new pair of designer jeans… Whatever you do with money, I bet you don’t just do it once. Most of us have habits with money — some…

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