It doesn’t matter who you are or how positive and optimistic you are, we all have those times when we get in a bit of a funk. Here are some of my go-to strategies when I’m feeling a bit off that you might like to try out next time you need to snap yourself out of a hole. EFT Emotional freedom technique, also known as tapping, is an amazing tool for getting yourself out of a sh*tty headspace. You…
People so often complain that they don’t have enough time to achieve X, Y or Z. You want to start a new hobby, but you don’t have enough time. You want to learn a language, but you don’t have enough time. You’d love to exercise, but you don’t have enough time. You want to start a business on the side of your job so you can finally leave the 9-5 grind, but you don’t have enough time. What if I…
In an earlier blog, I talked about the psychological model of communication between adults, parents, and children, coined as Transactional Analysis by Eric Berne in the 1950’s. Berne suggested that each of us play “games” which are unconsciously motivated behavioural interactions, driven by our unconscious belief system. These games cause situations, or lead us to perceive a situation, as a familiar negative feeling, which then gives us more ammunition as to why our limiting beliefs about ourselves, the world and…
Hey guys! The end of 2016 is fast approaching. What goals did you set for yourself at the start of the year? Did you achieve them? Or did you, like some of my clients, have their worst year in ages? I have a special offer for you over the months of December and January – 2 hours of coaching (or can be split into 2 separate coaching sessions), for only $200 (over 50% discount from my usual price). In…
Yesterday I was chatting to a new coaching client, and he admitted to being quite critical of himself. He would call himself disorganised, lazy and lacking in willpower and planning. But when he was talking about doing hobbies that he was passionate about, that totally float his boat and make him feel alive, I asked him the following question: Are you disorganised, lazy, or lacking in willpower or planning when you’re doing the thing you love the most? He acknowledged…
I shared this story yesterday with a client as it was relevant to what was going on for them. Back when I was around 27 (just yesterday then ?) I was living in London, in a toxic abusive relationship that was draining me and I was burnt out. I went to go and see someone for an energy healing and on the way out of the underground, as I was walking up the stairs I saw this shop in…