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Next year will be different? Not unless you change yourself.

  What a year 2020 has been. It certainly gave the entire world a shake up. It’s caused many of us to question a lot of things in our lives. Are we in the right job? The right relationship? The right country? Many people have left their careers, whether it was forced or because they didn’t want to delay a career change any further. Many relationships have broken down in the face of lockdown. One thing is certain; it’s been…

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Don’t be afraid to tap out when you need to

  In this world we live in, it can be easy to get overwhelmed by life.   We are so used to the daily grind, with an insane ability to be switched on 24/7 and available at the drop of a hat.   A few weeks ago I felt a growing desire to tap out of it all for a while – not life, but the busy-ness of it all.   So much has changed in my life in the…

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What would you do with an extra 130 hours in your year?

People so often complain that they don’t have enough time to achieve X, Y or Z. You want to start a new hobby, but you don’t have enough time. You want to learn a language, but you don’t have enough time. You’d love to exercise, but you don’t have enough time. You want to start a business on the side of your job so you can finally leave the 9-5 grind, but you don’t have enough time. What if I…

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