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Always give 100% of whatever your best is today

  Let’s face it, there are days where we don’t feel 100%.   There are days where you might feel more like 40%.   But if you can commit to giving every day your best, then you’re always showing up for yourself + those around you.   If I’m catching up with a mate + I’m only feeling 40%, they’re getting 100% of that 40% that day.   Life is full of challenges + demands.   We get tired, sore…

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Be like water around rocks

    When you’re going through stresses in life, how do you tend to approach it?   Do you deal with stress by using negative coping strategies like drinking, smoking, taking drugs, gambling, shopping or mindlessly scrolling through your FB feed/TV guide?   Do you face problems head on, knowing that they’re really just challenges to be overcome and that with each challenge comes a gift of learning?   Do you prefer to be like water around rocks? 🪨 💦 …

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The grass isn’t greener on the other side – It’s greener where you water it

    We all know the old cliché phrase, “the grass is greener on the other side” – but most of us also know that in reality it isn’t true.   This phrase originally came from an American song written in 1924 called “the grass is always greener in the other fellow’s yard” by Raymond B. Egan and Richard A. Whiting, and the chorus goes a little something like this:   The grass is always greener  In the other fellow’s…

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Want to break your daily drinking habit?

    Recently I’ve been doing energy treatments focusing specifically on my clients goal of breaking their daily drinking habit.    Note ~ I’m not talking about the level of being an alcoholic.    These are clients who buy a 6 pack on the way home after a day of labouring and find it stops them getting anything done after work as they spend their evenings drinking it all watching Netflix 🍻   Or others who always have a bottle…

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We are all broken

  I love this quote by Ernest Hemingway;   “We are all broken. That’s how the light gets in.”   Reminds me of a blog I wrote on kintsukuroi, a Japanese technique where they take broken items and piece them back together with gold, the idea being that we are more beautiful for having been broken.   The most amazing people I’ve ever met are those who truly know what it is to feel broken, and to learn, heal and…

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Is it time to end your suffering?

I’ve been listening to a bit of Tara Brach lately and she has a great video about how to stop the war against ourselves. She speaks about how when we’re suffering, it’s because we’re holding on too tight and need to let go. If you let go a little you’ll find a little peace. If you let go a lot, you’ll find a lot of peace. If you let go completely, you’ll be able to live your life fully. This…

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