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authentic self

Make no apologies for who you are

  The other day I sent out a blog and newsletter, the title of which was “Un-fuck yourself in 2024”. The whole point of the blog is about doing personal development and healing work to help you shed the layers of shit that have dimmed your shine and led you away from your true authentic self. 🥹 I have an amazing bunch of legends who’ve been following my work for a while and those who know me know that I’m…

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He’s my reflection

    I N T I M A C Y ~ into me, I see ❤️   After what felt like a lifetime of failed relationships, I met my amazing fiancé Cam when I was 38.   In our last few years together I’ve realised how much all my relationships have been a reflection of how I feel about myself and what I need to heal.    My past relationships were a reflection of;   🥹 how I put others…

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Have compassion for others who feel broken

  I read an amazing post today written by a survivor of an abusive relationship which I really resonated with.   She talked about her behaviours in that relationship that other people would have judged her for – drinking to self-medicate, feeling unhappy, not being her best self.   She said that some friends didn’t get it as they didn’t see the lie she was living, with others seeing him as Mr Nice Guy and her the Drunken Idiot.  …

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