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What are you really feeling?

  I often find myself working with clients who have never learned how to appropriately identify their emotions. 🥹   They put their emotions in two buckets – bad (angry and sad) or good (happy).   Our emotions are much more complex than this and it can be helpful here to refer to the wheel of emotions to explore what you’re feeling in a much deeper way.   For example, you may think that you’re feeling angry, but there are…

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The power of words

  Are you aware of the power of the words you’re using day in and day out? 🗣️  I was listening to my coach talk about this on her podcast The Mind School where she was interviewing a psychologist who said the term “experiencing depression” instead of “struggling with depression“.  A lot of people wouldn’t pick up on the intentional change in wording there, but this is something I do too. By changing the way you word things, you’re changing…

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Instead of becoming bitter, become better

    “Attitude is a choice.  Happiness is a choice.  Optimism is a choice.  Kindness is a choice.  Giving is a choice.  Respect is a choice.  Whatever choice you make makes you. Choose wisely.”  – Roy T. Bennett   We’ve all been treated unfairly at times ~ it’s part of life. 😞   Certain situations can lead us to feel angry, upset, mistreated and resentful. 😡    It’s perfectly normal to feel that way, but when you allow yourself to…

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The body keeps the score

    I’m reading a book at the moment which has been on my to-read list for SO long; The Body Keeps the Score by Bessell Van Der Kolk.   At the moment I’m reading a section about safety and reciprocity, about how being able to feel safe with other people is “probably the single most important aspect of mental health; safe connections are fundamental to meaningful and satisfying lives”.   Numerous studies have found that social support is the…

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Laugh or cry ~it’s your choice

    Yesterday my amazing fiancé turned 40 🥳   I’d ordered a special yummy personalised cake for him and went to pick it up on Monday.    It was a stinking hot day ~ 37 degrees as I drove to get it. 🥵    As the cake maker brought it out, she looked utterly devastated and embarrassed saying due to the heat in her kitchen the cake hadn’t set properly.   She said she could fix it but needed…

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How I survived leaving toxic relationships ☠️

    Most of us in life experience at least one relationship that becomes toxic for us.    I’ve had my share of long term relationships that were abusive and codependent where I ended up as a shell of who I was. 😶‍🌫️   Leaving is hard because you’ve lost all confidence in who you are as a person.   Toxic people show traits of narcissism and borderline personality disorder among other things; they have attachment issues from childhood which…

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