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Where will you be in 5 years if you don’t invest in yourself now?

    Every now and again I get a message that goes something like this:   “I want coaching/Reiki/to learn Reiki/to change my life, but I don’t have any money.”   This immediately tells me something really important about that person.   They aren’t truly committed to making the changes they say they want in their life 🤷🏼‍♀️    I know straight away this person is hoping to get something for nothing, and I also know I could give them…

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None of it was a waste

Sometimes I feel an almost overwhelming sadness about how much time I’ve wasted in relationships with men who didn’t deserve my love and time.   And then I reflect on all the lessons I’ve learned and realise they all got me to where I am today.   As I fast approach 40, I’m in an amazing place in my life where for maybe the first time ever there is a sense of balance and happiness in every single area of…

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