This week I’m running coaching workshops and energy treatments at my best friend Kelly Rennie’s Busy Mums Retreat in Queensland. The venue is AMAZEBALLS (check it out here) and for a few days these 12 amazing mums are being treated to massages, spa, sauna, swimming, beach time, mindset workshops, healthy food and workouts. The next workshop is in March – email for more info or check out her website So many of these gorgeous ladies have mother’s guilt coming up…
How much of your life do you spend doing things out of obligation? This week I’ve been reading a book called Essentialism – The Disciplined Pursuit Of Less, by Greg McKeown. He opens the book by telling a story of a businessman who was overwhelmed by how much he had on his plate. Bit by bit, he started saying no to things. He’d always been the yes man, so this was a change for those around him, but he adjusted. …
What to do when things don’t work out quite how you thought they would… Every now and then, the shit hits the fan and for whatever reason, things don’t work out how you thought they would.How do you respond when life gives you lemons?Do you chuck your toys out of your pram or do you try and see the positives? Your reaction is always your choice. What do you choose to do in that moment? Do you wallow in self pity, talking…
We tend to care less about the future version of ourselves than we do about our present day selves.One donut today won’t hurt!! Will it?If one donut today becomes a sugary treat every day, that can build up over time to become a problem for our future selves. It’s the same with anything we put off or don’t do because we can’t be bothered/aren’t motivated enough to make the change today. Many of us only make a change when the pain of…
Last week, 3 generations of women were murdered – Mara Quinn, her mother, twin 2 year old girls and her 3 year old daughter. The girls were left inside the home for a week undiscovered. The father of the girls, Mara’s husband, is now with Police. How can that be? In the last 4 months, 15 people have died in 3 seperate family homicides in Western Australia. September 2018: 5 dead July 2018: 3 dead May 2018: 7 dead Where…
When I was learning to ride a motorbike, my instructor was quick to tell me to focus my attention on the direction I wanted to go in. So when I found myself on my brand new motorbike looking at a kerb and thinking to myself “don’t look at the kerb,” let’s just say it didn’t end well. Ouch! (I wrote my bike off and nearly myself in the process!) “You get what you focus on” is true for life in…