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From Surviving to Thriving

  From around 2007, I was in a pretty big hole in my life that a couple of years later led to health issues, burnout and depression. 🥺   Fast forward to the present day, and I’m living my dream life. I pinch myself at how great my life has become; but you know what, I created this all, nobody else did it for me. 🫶🏻   Watch this video where I share my story and how I overcame the…

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Big news coming!!

  Hey legends! I’ve got some really exciting news I’ve been keeping wrapped up for a few months now that I can’t contain any longer!! 🤩 For the last few months I’ve been working my butt off behind the scenes to create something special for you guys, a true game changer for your life.  Actually, I first started creating this in 2016, can you believe it! 😳 But over the years it’s morphed into newer, more improved versions of itself…

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From suicidal “Tough Tits Tine” to thriving as a core wound expert

  When we met around 2012, Tina and I hit it off massively as friends.    Back then, she was working in hospitality, drinking and taking drugs regularly to block out her childhood.    Many years later when we were working in sessions together with coaching and healing, her past trauma hit her like a freight train.     She realised she was running the unconscious programming that she was “disgusting” which had led to many years of projecting a…

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Show kindness this Christmas and remember it’s not “merry” for everyone

The festive season is well and truly in full swing with Christmas parties and messages galore. While most people are wishing others a “merry” or “happy” Christmas, it’s also important to remember those who aren’t feeling so merry or happy. Christmas is a time of year where a lot of people I see in the mental health and justice space are suffering. They’re missing loved ones who’ve passed, they’re missing kids they are unable to see, and some are without…

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