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relationship issues

I need to get out of this relationship

Recently I posted a story about the four relationships I’ve had in my life that were abusive in some way, and unhealthy in many ways. 💔   It was called “Coercive Control: The Frog That Slowly Boils To Death”. 🐸     I’ve had a few emails from women since then telling me they’ve been wanting to leave their relationship for a while, that they need to get out but they just don’t know how. 🥺   They’re a shell…

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Do you suffer from mother’s guilt?

This week I’m running coaching workshops and energy treatments at my best friend Kelly Rennie’s Busy Mums Retreat in Queensland. The venue is AMAZEBALLS (check it out here) and for a few days these 12 amazing mums are being treated to massages, spa, sauna, swimming, beach time, mindset workshops, healthy food and workouts.   The next workshop is in March – email kelly@busymumfitness.com for more info or check out her website https://busymumfitness.com. So many of these gorgeous ladies have mother’s guilt coming up…

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