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From snake bites to self-love

  Imagine getting bitten by a snake, and instead of focusing your energy on recovering you chase the snake, wanting to know why it hurt you. 🥹 You want to prove to the snake that you didn’t deserve it biting you. This is a great analogy for what those who seek approval and validation outside of themselves tend to do when hurt by others. We chase them for answers; why did they hurt us? What did we do wrong? What…

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Never let the unacceptable become acceptable

    When I first heard “never let the unacceptable become the acceptable it really triggered a big reflection for me. 🧐  A reflection on how many times in the past I’ve done exactly that – let the unacceptable become the acceptable. 🥹 How in the past I’ve allowed myself to be treated with disrespect due to my own shitty boundaries. 😔 How I’ve allowed others to emotionally abuse me – some for years. 😭 How I gave my energy…

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How to set boundaries

  A while ago I shared a quote: “Love yourself enough to set boundaries. Your time and energy are precious. You get to choose how you use it. You teach people how to treat you by deciding what you will and won’t accept.” ~ Anna Taylor I had a comment on that post from one of my coaching clients which said; “How do we set boundaries Carly?” I thought that was such a great question worthy of its own blog,…

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Are you ready for HFC Recovery? (5 steps to healing)

  Last week I posted a blog on 17 traits of High Functioning Codependents – HFC’s. Read it here if you missed it: I wanted to follow up with some tips on how to overcome this if you recognised yourself as a HFC. 😳  Healing your HFC personality can be challenging and takes practice, but it’s totally worth it! Here’s my 5 tips to getting started. AWARENESS 😳 The first step to healing anything is becoming aware of your patterns…

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Sometimes… I remember

  Sometimes I feel a deep sadness rise up in me, for all the times I let myself down. 🥺 For all the times I gave my power away to others. For all those times I kept my mouth shut while they abused me. 🫢 For all the times I failed to stand up for myself, or to speak my authentic truth.  For letting them turn me into a person I didn’t like. 🫣 For giving away my energy, my…

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Ready to shift in a massive way?

  Rachael combined coaching + energy treatments for profound changes in her life.  I have a Dig Deep package which includes 3 coaching sessions combined with 3 energy treatments which can either be done together as a 2 hour session or alternated, in person or via video call. My Go Deeper package consists of 6 coaching sessions + 6 energy treatments, with packages typically run as a 2 hour coaching + energy treatment with 2-4 weeks in between sessions.  This…

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