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Have compassion for others who feel broken

  I read an amazing post today written by a survivor of an abusive relationship which I really resonated with.   She talked about her behaviours in that relationship that other people would have judged her for – drinking to self-medicate, feeling unhappy, not being her best self.   She said that some friends didn’t get it as they didn’t see the lie she was living, with others seeing him as Mr Nice Guy and her the Drunken Idiot.  …

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Is it time to end your suffering?

I’ve been listening to a bit of Tara Brach lately and she has a great video about how to stop the war against ourselves. She speaks about how when we’re suffering, it’s because we’re holding on too tight and need to let go. If you let go a little you’ll find a little peace. If you let go a lot, you’ll find a lot of peace. If you let go completely, you’ll be able to live your life fully. This…

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