Imagine getting bitten by a snake, and instead of focusing your energy on recovering you chase the snake, wanting to know why it hurt you. 🥹 You want to prove to the snake that you didn’t deserve it biting you. This is a great analogy for what those who seek approval and validation outside of themselves tend to do when hurt by others. We chase them for answers; why did they hurt us? What did we do wrong? What…
Can you believe we’re already in FEBRUARY FFS?! What the fuck happened to January already… If you don’t want the rest of the year to go down the toilet too, and want to make the most out of what’s left of this year so you can finally ditch the stuff that’s holding you back, here are a few ways you can work with me this year. I have over 18 years of experience in helping people to clear whatever…
These days, the bulk of the coaching work I do with clients is around their relationship. Often, when a client starts working with me for coaching or energy work they come to me with some vague problems around feeling unhappy and discontent with where they’re at in life, but they’re struggling to understand why. 😞 It doesn’t usually take many sessions to realise that they have a serious lack of self-love which is showing up in a lack of…
At the start of each year I like to take a moment to pause, reflect and set my goals for the year ahead. ✍🏻 There are three tools I want to share with you to get your 2025 kicked off with a bang. MORE + LESS LIST The first two tools are two separate lists. ✅ Write out a list of everything you want more of in 2025. What do you want to create more of this year?…
I’ve been coaching and doing energy work since 2006, and a common question I get is “how often should I have a session/treatment”? Personal development and clearing your emotional baggage is a lifetime of work. 🙌🏻 It’s an ongoing journey, not just a single point in time. Sure, you can feel significantly better after a single session. 💞 But if you’re really committed to becoming the best version of yourself, then commit to regular sessions. I’ve been working on…
A while ago I shared a quote: “Love yourself enough to set boundaries. Your time and energy are precious. You get to choose how you use it. You teach people how to treat you by deciding what you will and won’t accept.” ~ Anna Taylor I had a comment on that post from one of my coaching clients which said; “How do we set boundaries Carly?” I thought that was such a great question worthy of its own blog,…