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best self

Healing is a journey, not an event

  I’ve been coaching and doing energy work since 2006, and a common question I get is “how often should I have a session/treatment”? Personal development and clearing your emotional baggage is a lifetime of work. 🙌🏻 It’s an ongoing journey, not just a single point in time. Sure, you can feel significantly better after a single session. 💞 But if you’re really committed to becoming the best version of yourself, then commit to regular sessions. I’ve been working on…

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How to survive leaving unhealthy relationship ☠️

  Most of us in life experience at least one relationship that becomes unhealthy for us.  I’ve had my share of long term relationships that were abusive and codependent where I ended up as a shell of who I was. 😶‍🌫️ Leaving is hard because you’ve lost all confidence in who you are as a person. Abusive people show traits of narcissism and usually have attachment issues from childhood which tend to create a toxic playground and codependency/trauma bonding in…

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Would you be proud or worried if your kid followed your relationship path?

  When I coach my clients around relationship issues, I find a really good question to ask is whether they’d be happy if their kid (or sibling or someone else they love) was in a relationship similar to their own. 🧐    It’s a confronting question and one that generates an immediate response.   We can fart-arse around any other question and smooth things over in our minds about our own relationship…. but if you took that same kind of…

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Big news coming!!

  Hey legends! I’ve got some really exciting news I’ve been keeping wrapped up for a few months now that I can’t contain any longer!! 🤩 For the last few months I’ve been working my butt off behind the scenes to create something special for you guys, a true game changer for your life.  Actually, I first started creating this in 2016, can you believe it! 😳 But over the years it’s morphed into newer, more improved versions of itself…

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The search for peace

  “I am at a place in my life where peace is a priority. I make deliberate life choices to protect my mental, emotional and spiritual state.” This is a great affirmation you can repeat to yourself if peace has become a goal for you. I spent most of my life always achieving, working towards the next big goal or dream.  I’ve been really blessed to always do work I love, helping people get unstuck from the darkest corners of…

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Don’t judge a book by it’s cover

  Many moons ago when I lived in London, I stumbled upon a random house party with a group of mates.  It was the early hours of the morning and I don’t think anyone was being their best self. 😂 My friend looked over at a guy we didn’t know and instantly judged him, saying how boring he looked. I told her not to judge a book by its cover (after all, it was around 6am!) and to go over…

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